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Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Oh that old chestnut, an age old question that nobody has EVER been able to answer. Want to know why?! Because the baby that’s making all the racket doesn’t even know why they are crying. Is it because they have some unmet need, are they hungry, thirsty, uncomfortable, do they have a pain, under tired, overtired, teething, did they poop, is the room too dark, too light, is the sound machine on, do they need me to rock them to sleep, do they want to self-settle, do they want space or is just baby just plain old sick of me.

The list could go on and on and on and on and on, like the song that never ends. Kind of like how your baby cries and nothing you can do is helping them. You see, the thing with babies is, sometimes, they just cry. FOR NO FUCKING REASON. It is the most frustrating thing ever. All you want to do is offer comfort, but they don’t want it. Because they don’t know what they want.

Little do they know, it breaks our heart to hear them scream and we would do absolutely anything to console them. That’s the wonder of the maternal bond. You can’t explain it and there isn’t a scientific explanation in the world that could begin to explain the phenomenon that is. And if there is I would bet my last dollar that it was written by a group of men (no offence), but ya’ll have no idea. None.

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nothing anybody ever says or does will convince me otherwise.

I’m not having a go at men, I love men. Granted, not all. Some men can go right to the flaming depths of hell which is precisely where they came from. But for the most part, men are great.

But let’s get really real about something here, they have no fucking idea what a mother goes through whilst pregnant, giving birth or post-partum. Yeah, they’re around; when they aren’t at work. But the physical, emotional and chemical changes in a woman’s body can only be felt by you;

by her,

by us.

By me.

When our babies cry, we cry. It hurts the very depths of our souls. We have some brave women who walk amongst us, the seasoned professionals if you will, when it comes to rearing children, they are the real MVP’s. They walk around seemingly unphased by a child’s cries.

I am so envious of those mothers. Personally, I can’t do it. When my little ones are upset, I unintentionally become upset also. If not upset, irritated because I cannot seem to help them. It’s some fresh bullshit.

If anyone can teach me how to give less fucks I am welcoming your messages.

When your baby cries, go to them. Do whatever feels right in your heart and soul. Whatever you do, don’t ever google “what to do when my baby cries”. There is some messed up information out there. I don’t claim to be the guru, or a know it all. I don’t know much. But I do know this. Our children need us, they need us like Tim McGraw needs Faith Hill. Like the desert missed the rain, like Bert needs Ernie. Ill stop now. But it’s true.

We are the entire universe. The centre of the world. All they know is the inside of us, our heartbeat, our smell, our sound and voice. How beautiful it is to be wanted and needed by the human being we created, that we grew. Being a mother is the greatest blessing bestowed upon our kind and nobody could convince me otherwise.

To Mary, to Huxley. I love you more than all of the stars and the moons, the oceans and the rivers. You are the reason for everything I do. My reason for being.

I will love you forever and always.

Your Mother xx.

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