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Having just taken my son for his one year vaccinations and countless other trips to our small coastal come country town (play deliverance music in your head whilst reading), it would be safe to say I am an expert in this topic. Let me tell you a little something, a tip I learnt from my Grandmother when I birthed my eldest was to get them use to the pram early on. Initially just take 5-20 minute walks, see how bub likes it.

I lived relatively close to town so we would always foot falcon (iykyk – google it) it. Those were the days. With all things in life it takes a bit for your small human to get use to the feelings, movement, wind and noises just to mention a few. Imagine being cocooned in this safe, dark, warm heart beating place and then all of a sudden you have been shoved in a fucking pram. It’s no wonder they loose it. The first time my baby heard a truck he was beside himself and screamed for 20 minutes straight the poor little love.

And heaven forbid your child has a tantrum or a meltdown in a public sphere, the looks of judgement from some people just makes me laugh now. From their perspective, old love just wanted to go to woolies in peace, now they can hear little Johnny having a very special moment in the biscuit isle because Mum won’t succumb to the overt display of emotions over a packet of tiny teddies. Who knew carefully marketed children’s snacks could be so addictive, yes, I am being sarcastic again. No I am not sorry.

Just be prepared, take all of the things. Bottle, food, fave toys and snacks. Take so many snacks because chances are bubs will throw it overboard mid doctors’ appointment and Jam will splatter. Oh and wipes, never forget the wipes. Look, I’m not saying parenthood is for everyone, it can be an absolute shit show sometimes. But those moments when it’s not and all the stars and planets are aligned it’s a beautiful gift. Straight from heaven if you ask me. No, I’m not a bible basher but I do believe in something.

You can’t just stay at home all the time because it’s too hard to leave with the kids, just go. Experience it. Teach your kids how to behave in a social setting, those foundational skills are learnt from a very young age. You’ll feel so much better and more confident once you master the balancing act of leaving home. Yeah, it is easier to stay home. It’s also easier to order takeout every night because cooking sucks balls. But, what is always easiest is not always best – another pearl of wisdom from my own Mother.

If you’re content and happy staying home day in day out with your babes, I fucking salute you. It’s not for me, trust me I tried. I cannot!!! I literally take all of my hats off to you and admittedly I felt quite envious of the SAHM who can achieve such feet. I crave people and connection; I crave intellectually stimulating conversation with diverse ranges of people. Blessings come from connecting and listening. Oh and writing too, this is my souls purpose and just one of my many many fabulous gifts.

Just take your kids out into the sunshine, that’s all I'm asking. You will feel better for it and so will they, grab yourself an almond latte and hit the park. Getting out and about is helpful for Vitamin D (ie helping children sleep better) and they learn how to play, the essence of any childhood. Let them fill their shoes with sand and discover exciting new things, it’s a beautiful sight to watch.

Love & Light


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